Why You Need a Stellar Scientific Writer In Your Corner
GerryShaw, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Neurons in culture.
Do you know who doesn't know how to run a business? Someone who devoted a considerable portion of their life to becoming an expert on the role of microglia in recovery from traumatic brain injuries or learning how to perform open heart surgery.
I'm not saying every scientist is business-inept; I would never make such a broad generalization.
I am saying I've worked with doctors who were too picky about what they wanted to go into their content. "No one will understand this," I pointed out when they added ventricular hypertrophy to the list of potential side effects. "Oh, you're right," they say.
Yes, I am.
I am saying I've worked with companies who had trouble staying up-to-date on cutting-edge marketing tactics because they were intent on preserving their 15 years of education over what might appeal to us ordinary folk.
I get it.
I only studied concepts that no one around me could understand for 5 years, and that was enough. Who can I talk to about the ER/UPR stress response in cancer now? Who can I talk to about the JAK2 pathway? No one.
That's why I've successfully tried to expand into the science and healthcare niche since I started copywriting. Many scientific and technical businesses are composed of subject matter experts and expert marketers with no one to bridge the gap between them. Someone who's good at copywriting and marketing and someone who knows how to navigate difficult concepts. You can make do without us, but you don't want to.
Here's why.
1. Scientific Writers Speak Your Language
We scientific writers may not have gone to school for the very niche area of study you got your Ph.D. in, but we'll be able to keep up with you. We didn't read scientific journals for fun - we did it for jobs like these. Also, we wanted to graduate. We'll also be able to keep up with market trends, give you advice on the best ways to deliver information, brainstorm ways to be more relatable to the public and preserve the integrity of your work.
2. We Make You Look Better
If someone has to distill your highly technical writing into digestible, easy-to-understand work, who better to build a connection with your audience than a scientific writer? Our background lends us a degree of credibility that a marketer without a scientific background won't have with your audience - or your stakeholders.
3. Scientific Writers are Versatile Writers
Do you need a website makeover that sells your highly technical product to the general public? Done. Do you need analytical, persuasive whitepapers to distribute to other industry experts? Done.
Don't hire two people when you could kill two birds with one stone.
4. Press Secretaries Reporting for Duty
Some writers with a scientific background might have experience in PR. Some might have enough experience that it would be wise to hire them to help you interface with the public - whether it's to mitigate misinformation or reach out to the media and respond to media outreach, all while knowing well enough not to take the pain points of the public around science(fear, distrust, wanting to be safe) and twist the knife in with sensationalism.
5. Effective Communication with the Public
Perhaps the most obvious of the points, the world needs science writers to bridge gaps. Distrust in science has continued to drop, especially along party lines. The perpetuation of misinformation is a much of a public health threat as certain diseases are. Businesses need science writers, but so does the world. The world needs science writers to be as loud, persuasive, and findable in presenting evidence-backed findings to the public as people making a hysteria case against vaccines.
We bring something unique to the table - we understand what drives views, what drives attention, and what sells. We also care about science, about telling the truth, and we know how to take a journal article that seems like it was written in another language and make the public eat it up.
People have questions - so let's give them the right answers, wherever they can be found, and where people are looking. On Instagram, with aesthetically pleasing reels. On TikTok with funny videos.
Scientific writers help scientists meet the public where they're at, and in today's world, it's hard to think of a more valuable skill than selling the truth.